Thursday 26 December 2013

its not whats under the tree

its whose around it ...

my friend that i work with was drafted to give the talk  at the Christmas service for our youth this year. 

it was amazing ..

he spoke about how we should look around our churches , homes and places of work. and see the people around us. that's our family. those are the people that God has put in our life to teach us about himself. everyone of them has something to offer us. and we have something to offer them. the things we love in the people around us. are the characteristics of god in them ... even if they don't know it.

think about someone your close to, what do you love most about them ..

their kindness
their patients
their commitment to you and your friendship 

all things of god 

so whoever was around you this year, thank them for what they are offering you. not just there gifts

here are some of the people "around my tree" this year. i cannot imagine life without a single one of you guys and i am grateful for all you have to teach me in life  

my siblings 

my work friends (well straw representations)

uni friends 

this bunch of wallys 

all of the amazing people i have met through having turners syndrome and spending a bunch of time at gosh.

and lastly. but not leastly. you.,that's right, you. if your reading this i am very blessed to have you as part of my life. so thank you

merry Christmas 

im sure i will post a bunch of my Christmas pictures in a later post

but for now i am doing this ...

feel free to tell me your favorite moment of Christmas this year has been in the comments 

i am off to go enjoy boxing day

toodles !



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